Friday, December 3, 2010

Mentor Lita

Luisiana Rosales
English 1A

Mentor Lita

    Who is my mentor? When I first thought of this question I really couldn’t think of anyone specifically. Naturally I started to name off different people who have mentored other individuals in the past like, Socrates to Plate, Aristotle to Alexander the Great, Watson to Mary Jones Cover, etc. Each of these past mentors have made a great impact to their mentees by taking them under their wing and showing them the ropes of how to do something, by using their own knowledge as a guide to go off from. Eventually only one person came to my mind, who fit the criteria, my grandmother; Rosario, Or how I’ve come to call her over the years, Lita.
    Over the years Lita has served as a role model to all of her grandchildren altogether. As children she taught us the importance of education and hard work. She openly admits on more than one occasion that she regrets never taking her education more seriously because she has had to settle for temporary jobs such cleaning up after others. However with all the hardships she has had to deal with she doesn't allow it to bring her down. In addition, rather than shamefully hide her past mistakes, she instead teaches us from them.
    For example, she became a teenage mother at the tender age of 15. Fortunately, the father decided to marry her but proved unfaithful many times during their marriage. However Lita never allowed those grim events to change her outlook on life. She remained faithful to God and taught all of her grandchildren to always keep the faith even when hope no longer seems existent to us. Although attempting to hold onto this mentality seemed difficult, it still proved to help me through the most excruciating times.
    Furthermore, to this day Lita still remains to be an example to all of her grandchildren. With all of her life lessons and constant support, my amount of respect and gratitude to her almost seem frugal compared to all her years of timeless tutelage that in return I feel that I should follow her words of wisdom in gratitude for all the years she has aided me and hope to become as great as a person as she is.

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