Monday, September 13, 2010

My Cofer

The memoir, Woman in Front of the Sun: on Becoming a Writer is written by Judith Ortiz Cofer. Her piece was titled "My Rosetta," which was set in the basement of a Catholic church in the year 1966. The narrative piece discusses a memory of a Sister named Rosetta; the main point of the piece was the author's revelation of rebellion. The author centered the piece on rebelling against the norm and finding her true self instead of following "traditions." The author wrote this specific piece to reveal to the reader how she learned the power of language when she needed it during her time of isolation in Patterson, New Jersey. I believe the piece, the selection's purpose is to show the reader what an impact Sister Rosetta ha on Cofer whilst she was growing up in the strange new world of New Jersey. Cofer expresses her desperate need to escape from the old customs o her heritage and find herself instead of following "traditions." This specific event helped her later in the future as a single existing Latina English student and helped her break away from the boundaries her relatives set up for her, which was all made possible through the tutelage of Sister Rosetta. I did enjoy the piece because it was entertaining to read about Cofer's interest into the unknown, and I identified with her struggle to break free from certain traditions set up by relatives.

"Are you a Latina writer?" Questions

Luisiana Rosales
Eng 1A

            In Judith Ortiz Cofer’s memoir, Woman in front of the Sun: on becoming a writer, I’ve decided to answer the following questions based on her selection of, “And are you a Latina writer?”

My very favorite part was _______ because. . .

My very favorite part was, Cofer’s declaration on page 113, “I am not lost in America. I am not searching for an identity. I know who I am ad what I am,” by her stating this it is almost similar to declaring her own independence, and no longer going by the norm, but instead making her own path to follow.

I found (something) ________ interesting from a writer’s point of view because. . .

I found Cofer’s response to one woman’s criticism admirable from a writer’s point of view because she chose to take, what appeared to be an insult, as a compliment. Often times criticism isn’t always easy to take but on page 107, Cofer discusses how she interpreted the comment to something kind and endearing.

I didn’t like (something) ________ because. . .

I didn’t like when Cofer discussed how all Latina writers, “prioritize the lives f women who have; carved an existence within a women’s space.” How other always pay tribute to the matriarchal heritage, because it generalizes Latina writers to always write about something along the lines of only that genre.

I learned a couple of important things from reading this. The first was ____ and I think that’s important because. . . The second was ___ and that’s important because. . .

I did learn a couple important things from reading this selections. The first was, the fact I as an individual do not have to choose between my nationalities when writing and I think that’s important because, I know that I have more options in what I choose to write instead of following a set criteria. I can be both Salvadoran and American because they make up who I am. The second lesson I learned was, although “it can be said and written that one can’t be something, one’s essence cannot be either given nor taken away,” I found this an important lesson because, it’s stating that only I can decide what and who I am.

In conclusion, Judith Ortiz Cofer’s selection of “And are you a Latina writer?” has shown me many different

things and taught me countless lessons. I know now that even though some criticism may be negative I can

choose how to take it. In addition the most valuable lesson that I will always carry with me is, No one else

can dictate who and what I want to be only I can choose what and who I want to be.