Monday, September 13, 2010

"Are you a Latina writer?" Questions

Luisiana Rosales
Eng 1A

            In Judith Ortiz Cofer’s memoir, Woman in front of the Sun: on becoming a writer, I’ve decided to answer the following questions based on her selection of, “And are you a Latina writer?”

My very favorite part was _______ because. . .

My very favorite part was, Cofer’s declaration on page 113, “I am not lost in America. I am not searching for an identity. I know who I am ad what I am,” by her stating this it is almost similar to declaring her own independence, and no longer going by the norm, but instead making her own path to follow.

I found (something) ________ interesting from a writer’s point of view because. . .

I found Cofer’s response to one woman’s criticism admirable from a writer’s point of view because she chose to take, what appeared to be an insult, as a compliment. Often times criticism isn’t always easy to take but on page 107, Cofer discusses how she interpreted the comment to something kind and endearing.

I didn’t like (something) ________ because. . .

I didn’t like when Cofer discussed how all Latina writers, “prioritize the lives f women who have; carved an existence within a women’s space.” How other always pay tribute to the matriarchal heritage, because it generalizes Latina writers to always write about something along the lines of only that genre.

I learned a couple of important things from reading this. The first was ____ and I think that’s important because. . . The second was ___ and that’s important because. . .

I did learn a couple important things from reading this selections. The first was, the fact I as an individual do not have to choose between my nationalities when writing and I think that’s important because, I know that I have more options in what I choose to write instead of following a set criteria. I can be both Salvadoran and American because they make up who I am. The second lesson I learned was, although “it can be said and written that one can’t be something, one’s essence cannot be either given nor taken away,” I found this an important lesson because, it’s stating that only I can decide what and who I am.

In conclusion, Judith Ortiz Cofer’s selection of “And are you a Latina writer?” has shown me many different

things and taught me countless lessons. I know now that even though some criticism may be negative I can

choose how to take it. In addition the most valuable lesson that I will always carry with me is, No one else

can dictate who and what I want to be only I can choose what and who I want to be.

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